Let's be clear - you can't! But an Amazing alternative does exist!!!
I just stumbled upon Shutter and my initial reaction is WOW this is a great substitute. Personally I think it might be a bit more useful. The only downside is its a Linux only solution.
Here is what it can do:

- Selected sections of the screen
- Desktop
- Entire Workspaces
- Specific Windows
- Portions of a window
- Dropdown Menus
- Tool Tips
- Webpages
- A Censor widget which allows you to hide sensitive data using a privacy masking tool
- An auto-incrementor shape which allows you to easily label sections of the screenshot with numerical icons (e.g. first, second third distinction)
- Pixelize sections of the screen for larger areas of sensorship
If you are as excited as me then you will want to know how to install Shutter on your Linux Desktop. Here are the instructions for RHEL/CentOS-7
- Download the latest nux-dextop-release rpm from
- Install nux-dextop-release rpm:
# rpm -Uvh nux-dextop-release*rpm
- Install shutter rpm package:
# yum install shutter
Don't forget to checkout hotShot as well, here's a great comparison writeup: